It is always said that you are as good as your manager.
Managers play a very important part in everyone’s career. They are the ones who
can either make your career or break your career. So it is very important that
you work under a good manager who can help you grow in your career.
But what if, you fall under a team of a bad manager. Well
then in simple words your career is screwed. Yes a bad manager adversely
impacts your career which will have its after effects even if you change the
team or organization.
Let us look at some of the negative impact of working with a
bad manager.
- If a manager is selfish, he will never let you grow in your career. These kind of managers will make you work a lot but will never let you take the credit of your work. They will never let your name come in front of the top management. While they themselves will project that they have been doing all this work to the management. The impact is that, as your name is never highlighted to the management, there is a least possibility that you will be getting any promotion or bonus.
- A bad manager, will never motivate his team to perform good. Even if you are working hard day and night, you will never get any appreciation from the manager. The impact is that you will have very little motivation to work that extra, because you know that there is no value of the effort that you will be putting in that work.
- Some bad managers are such that, they will expect you to complete your work, but also expect you to do their work. And even if you work for extra hours to do the extra work, you are never given that credit. This impacts the relationship between the manager and the employee and sometimes the employees even leave the team or the organization.
- Sometimes the manager exploits the employee so much, that the employee is not able to concentrate on the work which impacts his appraisal. If the rating given to the employee is not good, it impacts his reputation in the organization and will also impact his future promotions.
- Many a times, we have seen that even if the employee performs the best in the team, he doesn’t get a good rating during the appraisal. But in the same team, an average performer gets better rating then him. This is because the manager favors the other employee. Such kind of partial managers are not able to keep a healthy environment within the team and which impacts the overall performance of the team.
Thus we can see, how a bad manager can impact the performance
and the career of the employees. But if your luck is not with you, and have to
work under a bad manager, take care that he is not able to exploit you. Also if
he is not giving you the credit, taking away your credit on his name, do not be
shy and but raise your voice and showcase your work to the top management