Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched by the current government
led by our Prime Minister Mr. Modi on 2nd October 2014. If we
analyze the impact that this campaign has caused, then certainly we will find
the tremendous change that this campaign has brought all over India.
The biggest problem that India was facing from last so many
years was that of cleanliness. Even though we have been progressing in many
fields, India is far behind when the cleanliness is considered. Still in our
villages, people have no toilets to use. They have to defecate in open
including women and children. As an impact of defecation in open, so many
different diseases which the villagers have to suffer do to insufficient facilities
available to them
The main aim of this campaign is to make India free of defecation
in open. It aims to build toilets in all the rural households, schools and complexes.
People in the villages have to be taught the importance of sanitation and hygiene.
Before the start of this campaign several NGOs were working on this aspect but
at their own level. But since this country wide campaign has been launched,
many celebrities, corporates have joined this and provided their ample support
for the success of this campaign. The aim of this campaign is to make India
open defecation free by the year 2019.
Not only in the rural areas, we can see the impact of this campaign
in various other places like the railway stations, government offices, general
roads, schools etc.
In India, we will find very few railway stations clean. But
after the launch of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, I have seen a lot change in the
cleanliness of Railway stations. Now the government officials take extra effort
to deploy the cleanliness staff who have been putting their efforts to keep the
stations clean. But this program can only be successful, if we the common man
also help them to keep the stations clean by not throwing the garbage on the
platforms and tracks and use the dustbin for this purpose.
Another impact I have seen is on the attitude of the people.
Since the campaign has launched, all the advertisements, speeches have changed
the attitude of the people. Now it has become a prestige for the people who are
part of this campaign. People who throw the garbage on the roads are looked at
as if they have performed any crime. This ultimately helps them to understand
they are doing something wrong and next time onwards they will always use the
dustbin to throw the garbage.
This campaign has also impacted the youths. More and more
youth are coming forward and working towards creating awareness among people
about the importance of cleanliness.
So in order to support this campaign, let us also take the
pledge that we will support the people to keep the surroundings clean and lend
our every possible help to make this campaign a success.